author : Marilyn\n\nMarilyn Turk writes historical fiction set on the coast. The Gilded Curse, a World War II novel, published in 2016, won a Silver Scroll award and its sequel, Shadowed by a Spy, debuted in July 2018. Rebel Light, Revealing Light, Redeeming Light and Rekindled Light in her Coastal Lights Legacy series feature stories in lighthouse settings. In addition, Marilyn has written two novellas - The Wrong Survivor, in the Great Lakes Lighthouse Brides collection and Love's Cookin' at the Cowboy Cafe in the Crinoline Cowboys collection, and The Christmas Gazebo with Lenora Worth. She has also written a book of devotions called Lighthouse Devotions. She blogs about lighthouses and writing on her website @, and on Heroes, Heroines and History ( In addition to climbing lighthouses, Marilyn enjoys boating, fishing, tennis, and gardening.\n\n\n View more >>